Associazione Agricoltura Biodinamica Italiana
28 Giugno Capri: sessione di Agricoltura biodinamica con Triarico e Tittarelli

28 Giugno Capri: sessione di Agricoltura biodinamica con Triarico e Tittarelli

Durante il  Workshop di Capri, giovedì 28 giugno dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 11:00, si terrà una sessione di Biodynamic Agriculture” a cui parteciperanno il presidente dell’Associazione per l’Agricoltura Biodinamica Carlo Triarico e il professore Fabio Tittarelli del CREA  .

“Organic farming and agro-ecology as a response to global challenges” è il workshop organizzato dal Gruppo di Ricerca Agricoltura Biologica (GRAB-IT), con il patrocinio di Agroecology Europe e dell’International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR). L’evento si terrà a Capri dal 27 al 29 giugno 2018.

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Organic food and farming is experiencing a great success. In 2017 51 million ha were farmed under organic agricultural management worldwide while 2.4 million farmers have chosen the organic way. The organic food market was valued at 65 billion euros.
The clear success has opened the way to Organic 3.0 launched at the ISOFAR Symposium in 2015, and further developed at the Organic World Congress 2017 in Delhi.
The organic movement is more than a market. It is part of a larger global movement of agroecologically minded producers and consumers, many operating outside of certification programmes and market transactions. The new strategy promotes sustainable farming and consumption through a widespread adoption of organic farming based on innovation, social inclusion, improvement of best practices and adequate valuing of organic food.
The aim of the workshop is to share views and knowledge to support the agroecological transition to more sustainable agricultural and food systems of tomorrow.

We welcome theoretical and empirical contributions from researchers and practitioners on themes related to the following scientific tracks.

  1. Transition to Agroecology: producing sufficient healthful, safe and affordable food for a larger share of people worldwide.
    • Scaling up organic: threats and opportunities
    • Agroecology and organic: how to implement sustainable food systems
    • Innovative or traditional practices in an agroecological approach
    • Assessment of sustainable agricultural and food systems
    • New opportunities from the development of organic production
  2. Transitioning to Circular Economy: the role of organic agriculture.
    • Conceptual analysis of CE and its relations with sustainability and/or organic agriculture
    • Circular organization and management in organic supply chain
    • New solutions for food waste reduction and recycling in the organic system
    • Business model for circular economy in organic supply-chains
    • Green and minimal packaging in organic food supply chains
    • Consumers’ participation in Circular economy
  3. Protecting the rural environment: soils, water, air, biodiversity and landscapes.
    • Potential of organic farming for soil and water resilience
    • Organic fertilizers for soil quality management
    • Crop rotation as a system approach for soil fertility management in organic farming
    • No-till and conservation tillage in organic farming
    • Biodiversity for Sustainability of cropping systems
    • Functional biodiversity to support production-related ecosystem services
    • Enhanced composting for organic systems
  4. Emerging ethics concerns, sustainable food habits, lifestyles and consumer needs.
    • Innovative business solutions and best practices to meet high quality standards for organic food
    • Credence attributes, consumers trust and sensory expectations in organic food market
    • Health claims and sustainable labelling of organic food products
    • Organic+ food products
    • New business models supporting job creation and job retention in organic supply chains
    • Gender issues in organic farming
  5. Societal and Policy dimension of organic farming.
    • Stakeholders involvement and participatory methods in organic farming research
    • Participatory management in organic supply chains
    • Short organic supply chains, purchase groups, CSA
    • The social dimension of the organic food system
    • Policy responses to the new challenges of organic 3.0
    • Beyond certification: practices to enforce transparency and integrity in the organic system
  6. Better breeds, feeds, animal health, animal welfare in organic livestock farming and aquaculture.
    • Improving forage quality in organic livestock systems
    • Sustainable feeds in organic livestock and aquaculture systems
    • Alternative protein sources for feed
    • Better and adapted breeds in organic livestock and aquaculture systems
    • Improving animal welfare in organic systems
    • Addressing animal health issues in organic systems
    • Alternative and complementary veterinary treatment suitable for organic farming
    • Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and water management in organic aquaculture systems
    • Microbiome and mechanisms of action of probiotics on the intestinal ecosystem, immunity, fish health and performance
  7. Integrated Pest Management in Organic Farming Systems.
    • Pest prevention tools and strategies
    • Reduction of use of persistent compounds in the environment
    • Mechanisms for natural enemy enhancement
    • Chemical ecology meets conservation biological control
    • Landscape Structure and Biological Control
    • Alien organisms affecting biodiversity and the functioning of ecological processes

Submission procedure and time schedule
Papers are welcome from all tracks/topics (download submission rules). A two-page abstract is mandatory for the evaluation. For those who are interested in the best paper competition and Special Issue a full paper is requested.
Authors will send their abstract/full paper by March 31st, 2018 (by April 30th, 2018 for Special Sessions only) through the EasyChair system (easychair) and should attach the text file according to the instructions for authors and the specific template (Submission form, Special session proposal template).
Abstracts and full papers will be evaluated and authors will receive the evaluation by April 25th, 2018.
May 20th, 2018 is the deadline for revised manuscripts.

The official language of the seminar will be English.

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